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Common Names

Okan, Adoum, Bokoka, African greenheart

Scientific Name

Cylicodiscus gabunensis





Okan heartwood is yellowish brown, often with a slight green tinge, on exposure darkening to reddish brown with a yellowish or greenish tinge; it is distinctly demarcated from the 5–8 cm thick, pale pink sapwood. The grain is interlocked, texture moderately coarse. The heartwood is very durable. It shows excellent natural resistance to wood decay fungi and is also resistant to dry-wood borer, marine borer and termite attacks. The wood is often slightly striped and lustrous, and has an unpleasant smell when freshly cut.


(H=12%): 0,91


Not permeable


The wood should be air-dried rather slowly or be carefully kiln-dried, to avoid deformation.



Moderately stable in service


Very durable


Okan is difficult to saw and work, with some dulling effect on cutting edges, and force is required. Stellite-tipped saws are recommended. It is difficult to obtain a smooth finish because of the interlocked grain. Planing shows best results at a cutting angle of 15°. The wood holds screws and nails well, but pre-boring is needed. The gluing, staining, polishing and painting properties are satisfactory, but for optimal polishing effect the use of a filler is required. Turning gives good results.


  • Hydraulic works (seawater)

  • Poles

  • Sleepers

  • Industrial or heavy flooring

  • Heavy carpentry

  • Vehicle or container flooring


  • Sculpture

  • Turned goods

  • Bridges (parts in contact with water or ground)

  • Bridges (parts not in contact with water or ground)

  • Flooring


Notes : Good Substitute for Azobe

Okan, Adoum, Bokoka, African greenheart, Okan Wood For Sale, Okan Timber For Sale, Okan Logs For Sale

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Ets Nomade Trade


Douala, Cameroon

Tel: +237-6 56 05 12 51

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